Sunday, December 21, 2008
Life is Good
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Blessing of Tanner
Friday, November 21, 2008
Dino Day!
Before we even got into the museum, Hannah fell in the parking lot on an unpainted road bump. I thought she took a face dive, but luckily she only scratched up her knee and hand. A bandaid from my purse made it all better. Lindsey fell next along the dinosaur path going down hill. She landed on her face - scratching up her cheek. She is really tough and just cried a little. Baby Tanner was great and took a pacifier the whole time we were there! So, no broken bones, and no one got eaten by the T-REX! We were pretty tired when we got home. After putting Lindsey down for her nap, I laid Tanner down on a pillow on the couch after he fell asleep, and Hannah cuddled up next to him. Good Day!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Clear baby skin
These first few pitures are from today, and as you can see, he has beautifully clear skin. I had before pictures on my camera, but it seems that I lost them in the process of trying to download them. You can't see how bad it was, so it is sort of hard to appreciate my joy over his clear skin. Here I am applying some organic cradle cap oil my friend Heather gave me after his bath.
Below is Hannah and Tanner, when he used to sleep half the day. The other day, I was letting Hannah hold Tanner and she said, "ok mom, you can leave now - I am going to babysit Tanner by myself!" She is just 4, but tells me she is 13 almost every day!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Tanner and Us
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tanner's Home Birth
Makings of a Home Birth
Having a home birth is the Rolls Royce of birthing options - says my Midwife. Though I am sure that is a controversial statement, I have to agree with her. Mostly because you dont' have to go anywhere, but get to stay in the comfort of your own home, have only people there who you want to have there, and get to do what you want to, when you want to. When I tell people I am giving birth at home, they usually think that I am really brave, or really crazy or both.
To tell you the truth, after my first home birth with my daughter Hannah, I didn't think I would ever do it again. However, when I got pregnant with Lindsey, I couldn't bring myself to go the OBGYN route in a hospital, and decided to try a home birth again. My second birth at home couldn't have been a better experience. It went so smoothly, I was so relaxed, and just remember it being an almost spiritual event.
So, with my third, Tanner, I didn't even think twice. When I finally went into labor early morning on the 10th, I wondered how I could have forgotten how difficult labor is. There was deffinately a point - at about 5 am - with still two hours to go - when I told my husband Jon that I really wanted an epidural. In other words, I was being pushed to my limits and wanted the pain to stop! I was struggling to relax through contractions, and as a result, was experiencing more pain than I had during my last labor.
My midwife reminded me that every birth is different - though not very comforting - very true. And so, I will look back at Tanner's birth and remember how challenging it was, and how birth doesn't necessarily get easier with each child.
I have never been to a hospital birth, as I imagine most people have never been to a home birth. So I wanted to share these two videos of the time immediately after birth to give you an idea of what it is like.
In both of these videos, Tanner is still attached to the umbilical cord. The first video is right after he came through the birth canal - seconds really. Though I was in the tub and out of the tub, on the bed and off the bed, Tanner was born in my bathroom on a birthing stood - a low to the ground seat shaped like a horse shoe. I chose this position, because it uses gravity and shortens the path the baby has to travel. In the second video, I am resting on my bed, with labor technically not quite over because he is still attached to the cord and I have not delivered the placenta yet.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Hannah's 4th Birthday Party!
Hannah's first day of Pre-school!
Check out the videos below for the walk from the car to the school and inside to her classroom. You only get a backside view - sorry!
As soon as we got to the classroom, the first thing Hannah did was make her way to the baby dolls and home play center! She LOVES babies!!!

Here she is, settled in doing a puzzle, willing to give me one more smile before I go...

Photo Shoot with Ku'ulei

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Following the crowd