Here is Tanner - he loves to be on top of things - the kitchen table, chairs, and here he is on my sewing table! He is a very happy very active little boy - 16 1/2 months old.
Tanner is quite interested in cupboards - and what lies behind them. Since I have not installed baby locks - I spend a significant portion of my week putting pots and pans, playdough, cleaning supplies and everything else back behind cupboard doors!
We had quite a magical Christmas Eve - we got snow! It was quite blustery and cold - but that didn't stop us from getting out that evening and enjoying it! Here is Lindsey playing with and eating some snow.
The girls are in their Christmas Dresses!

Here are all three of the kids in their new Christmas pajamas. Hannah calls these snuggies - I'm sure the adopted name was influenced by the recent phenomenum in couch lounge wear.

I have lots more pics and happenings - but have run out of time for now! Hope everyone is well and happy!
Here are all three of the kids in their new Christmas pajamas. Hannah calls these snuggies - I'm sure the adopted name was influenced by the recent phenomenum in couch lounge wear.
I have lots more pics and happenings - but have run out of time for now! Hope everyone is well and happy!
lOve yOu all!