Monday, November 3, 2008

Tanner and Us

Time really flies by - I struggle to get things done - and find posting in addition to everything else I want to do, a challenge. I have however, been able to take a few pictures of our family, each of us loving on little Tanner.

Hannah and Lindsey have really enjoyed baby Tanner - the hard part for me is lovingly teaching them boundaries about how to be gentle and treat a new little baby.
They say sleep when your baby sleeps - this is good for a first, and sometimes even second child, but by the third, I have found that when the baby sleeps, I have better give some loving and time to my older kids and let them know they are still so special and precious to me. Or else, they act out in rebelious and sometimes agressive ways.
I told my midwife about this adjustment period and how it causes me a bit of guilt, and she said, sometimes, you just have to ignore your kids. I am not good at doing that! Though, I have let little Tanner cry himself to sleep already - it only takes him 3 or 4 minutes when he is tired! I can't stand to listen for longer than that! It is hard to take in three little kids - I feel that even though I am a stay at home mom, I am missing things - my kids growing up - it seems to happen overnight. I wish I could just savor them in the moment more.


Molly said...

Your family is beautiful and YOU, Mrs. Woodward, are gorgeous!! I NEVER looked that good, even with one baby and a decent amount of sleep!!

Alicia said...

I know what you mean about trying to savor the moment. Don't feel too guilty about things, just do the best you can.

Marguerite "Meganne" Grumbles said...

Great Pics. I know it is hard, but someone told me once, "to grow the kids before the grass" I remind myself of this everytime I feel the need to clean, work, or sleep. YOU are an AMAZING MOM, and you are doing a GREAT JOB! Your kids love you so much and you are a beautiful woman with an amazing spirit.

Heather Atchley said...

Yay! Another post! You are doing a wonderful job with your girls (and now boy!), I always thought so. Remember, you can't be Wonderwoman so don't kill yourself trying. We can't all have golden lassos! lol We all, as friends and family, feel your love and dedication.