So, the young women in our ward decided to do family/kid portraits for their annual fund raiser to help earn money to spend on girls camp stuff. I thought it was a great idea - without talking to Jon, I signed us up for 4:40 on Saturday. Imagine my surprise when my husband got home from church and informed me that he signed our family up for the same time slot on a different sign up sheet going around! (keep in mind the whole day was an option - every twenty minutes from 10am to 6pm) I think this is the first time in our married lives that we have read each other's minds. The only difference is that I signed us up for $10 additional dollars to do kids portraits as well.
We have been trying for a while to get a family photo to come out clear - I am not very impressed with my $250 cannon point and shoot I've had for a year now. I am thinking of declaring it the kid's camera and buying a new one for myself! So, at the fundraiser photo shoot - for the most part, the girls (young women) took the pictures. They had some great cameras that were loaned them for the day. Here are the worthy pictures we have as a reminder that fundraisers are so much fun!!!