Look at those cute kids!!! (notice Cache grabbing Hannah's hair!) We had a crazy picture shoot at Picture People - to commemorate my sister Cheryl's visit the first week of February. The fact that we got such a great shot is a miracle, and a bit of good luck. Kids grow so fast, so although we took pictures last year when we all got together, we had two new babies to add this year.
It is so cool that my sister Cheryl and I had baby boys one week apart. Tanner was born on October 10th, and Cache - pronounced "Cash" was born on October 17th. I have selfishly been urging her to move to Texas so all the cousins can grow up together. I feel a bit guilty at times, because they are outdoor lovers like myself, and Texas is not quite the outdoor mecca that some other places are. It is a dilemna I have been personally fighting for 8 years. Stay and live close to family (Jon's and mine) or move somewhere that awakens my soul with its natural energy and beauty.
Well, for me, at least so far, being close to family has won out. I really try to see the beauty in Texas, and sometimes, I do. Texas has some pretty great sunsets - made better by the temperate climate most of the year. I just saw a great one on Friday night as the kids and I were enjoying yet another trip to the park this warm winter.
While Cheryl was here, she couldn't get enough of our 60 and 70 degree weather. Coming from below freezing, she was in paradise! Needless to say, her and her husband are seriously looking at moving here in the not too distant future! Yeah - having family close rocks!
This picture was my Valentines day/Anniversary present to Jon to put on his desk @ work. (as the two occassions are only one week apart I made only one card and bought only one present.) Luckily, my husband and I are on the same wave lenghth with this system!